a member state的意思|示意

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a member state的网络常见释义

成员国 ...96号条例第13条第3款规定,若存在第1款所列内容的充分证据,欧委会(the Commission)可以主动发起或应成员国(a Member State)或任何利害关系方(any interested party)的请求发起反规避调查。

a member state相关例句

In the same vein, assert is also used to test the internal state of a function-such as private member variables, or variables with internal linkage used strictly within the file.

同理,断言也被用来测试函数的内部状态,比如说私有成员变量或者文件的内部变量(variables with inner - linkage used strictly within the file .)。

To date, 17 states have joined a compact that will allow a doctor licensed in one member state to quickly obtain a license in another.


"I can't explain to a citizen in Europe that it's easier to go online for products and services in the US than ordering a product or service next door, in a member state of the EU," Kroes said.


Once a member state has transposed the directive into its own laws it is obliged to notify the commission and prove conformity.


Article 50 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU foresees the procedure to be followed in case a Member State notifies the European Council of its decision to withdraw from the Union.


List the state of either a CF or a member host: db2instance.
