a mug shot的意思|示意

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a mug shot的网络常见释义

大头照 ... before the bell 上课前 a mug shot 大头照 studious 很用功 ...

a mug shot相关短语

1、 take a mug shot 拍面部照片

a mug shot相关例句

This passport picture looks like a mug shot.


The photo in my passport is awful. It looks like a mug shot.


The show host stands next to a graphic of Theodore Bagwell's mug shot.

节目主持人站在一名叫Theodore Bagwell的嫌疑犯照片的旁边。

One of our test pages had a postage-stamp sized mug shot that was viewed by 10 percent of our participants.


A very ugly mug-shot: Lauren Parker, 30, poses happily for a picture at San Diego Zoo — unaware that Otis the grumpy hippopotamus has joined her.


Fame seekers can use the Web to post a favorite mug shot, a film clip, or their band's touring schedule.
