a plane angle的意思|示意

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a plane angle的网络常见释义

平面角 ... 平面监视器 flat panel monitor; flat panel display 平面角 a plane angle 平面命名空间 flat namespace ...

a plane angle相关短语

1、 a plane right angle 平面直角

2、 plane angle of a polyhedron 多面体的面角

a plane angle相关例句

The sails are mounted at an angle or are given a slight twist, so that the force of wind against them has two components, one of which, in the plane of the sails, causes rotation.


From this, it has been inferred that the strike of the dislocating fault plane of the main shock is NWW. It seems to be a left lateral horizontal slip fault with high dipping Angle.


In this paper, a unified formulation to determine the terminal currents of an arbitrarily bended cable excited by a plane wave at any polarization angle is presented.


A general dynamically permissible velocity field for plane flow is set up in the paper. The force and energy parameters for extrusion (or drawing) are analyzed, and the optimum draw Angle is obtained.


The feasibility and the state-of-the-art for laser cutting on a large angle plane are analyzed in the paper.


It was the us plane that abruptly veered at a wide Angle and approached the Chinese plane in its flight. This was the direct cause of the crash of the Chinese plane.
