a plus side to的意思|示意

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a plus side to的网络常见释义

好的一面 ... dependent on依赖 a plus side to好的一面 tool工具 ...

a plus side to相关例句

Click the plus sign on the top-right side of the window to add a new condition.

在窗口的右边点击plus sign并添加一个新状况。

Mount a painted rectangular wood box on the wall on either side of the bed and you'll have a place to stash all your reading material, plus a reading lamp.


Definition: line of play the "line of play" is the direction which the player wishes his ball to take after a stroke, plus a reasonable distance on either side of the intended direction.


Query Q3 (5predsome) has multiple predicates and USES three side tables plus the main table, so it needs to compute a four-way join.

查询Q 3 (5predsome)具有多个谓词、使用3个索引表和主表,因此它需要计算一个4路结合。

The appointed person then hands over an equal sum, plus a commission, to the broker on the Chinese side.


On the plus side, a resistive layer over a plastic screen does make for a device that's generally robust and unlikely to be damaged by a fall.
