a thorough cleaning的意思|示意
a thorough cleaning的网络常见释义
大扫除 ... a thorough cleaning大扫除 frighten away ghosts 吓跑幽灵 a welcome mat欢迎的垫子 ...
彻底清洁 ... the end of a journey 旅途的终点 a thorough cleaning 彻底清洁 drop into a stream 跌入小溪 ...
卫生 春节前一样平常要彻底拂拭卫生(a thorough cleaning), (责任编辑:admin)
彻底清扫 ... Respect unfortunately, satisfactory, observations, length, overcome, July, satisfactory 彻底清扫 » A thorough cleaning 不过。在经济日益发达今天,我们往往需要利益上的谈判,我想,这时候对于国际化来说,英语显得格外重要 » However.
a thorough cleaning相关短语
1、 give a thorough cleaning 彻底清洁
2、 get a thorough cleaning 得到彻底清理
3、 make a thorough cleaning 做一次彻底的大扫除
a thorough cleaning相关例句
Therefore, first of all need to do a thorough cleaning of vehicles.
Therefore, first of all need to do a thorough cleaning.
We gave our classroom a thorough cleaning before National Day.
Therefore it must conduct a thorough cleaning.
The windows will have to be given a thorough cleaning.
Such as: each organization students to watch a movie, finish do a thorough cleaning, can let the student feel the scene at the time and in the form of a diary written.