abbr. 美国植牙学会(american academy of implant dentistry)
一般使用该词来描述政府或慈善机构等对社会弱势群体提供的政策性、经济性的援助和帮助。 它可以用来表述对困难者、贫困者,如失业者、孤儿、老年人、残疾人以及社会上其他贫困人群等的援助及帮助。
1. The government has allocated a large sum of money to aaid those in need.
2. The charity organization has been offering aaid to orphans and the homeless.
3. The society has set up a fund to provide financial aaid to families with special needs children.
1、 Polyamic Aaid 聚酰胺酸
2、 portable hearing aaid 袖珍助听器