ability to tax的意思|示意
ability to tax的网络常见释义
量能课税 ...人的综合纳税能力,并能充分考虑到个人经济情况和家庭负担等,给予减免照顾,符合支付能力原则或“量能课税”(ability to tax)原则;它对总的净所得税采取累进税率,可以达到调节纳税人之间所得税负担的目的,能较好地实现均等收入和稳定经济的目标,可以发...
ability to tax相关短语
1、 ability to pay Tax Principle 能力纳税原则
2、 Ability-to-pay Tax Principle 能力纳税原则
ability to tax相关例句
A principle of taxation in which taxes are based on the income or resource-ownership ability of people to pay the tax.
A rising consumption tax also indicated Chinese consumers' strong ability to spend.
The plague decimated the Emperor Justinians tax-base, undermining his ability to battle the Vandals and the Goths and effectively ended the chance of uniting the Western and Eastern Roman Empires.
Taking out a FEE-HELP loan does not affect your ability to claim a tax deduction.
费用 帮助”贷款并不影响你申请税务抵扣。
He will further please the big four by signalling that he plans no early crackdown on their ability to do lucrative tax work for audit clients.
To the extent that slow growth hurts tax revenues, and thus the ability to service public debt, markets may begin to take a less benign view of slow growers' bonds.