accept t of的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / /


accept t of的网络常见释义

接受 ... accept t in principle 原则上同意 accept t of 接受 accept t upon 按…接受 ...

承兑 ... accept t battle 应战 accept t of 承兑 accept t the face of 偏爱 ...

accept t of相关短语

1、 accept t the person of 偏爱

accept t of相关例句

To add new methods to a particular class of type t, it only needs to define static methods that accept type t as the first parameter.


We don "t accept payment in us dollars. Please conclude the business in terms of Swiss francs."


I understand and accept that the personal data I have provided to T. W. G. Hs HBFDCC will be used for the purposes of membership processing and the activities promotion of HBFDCC.
