active fault zone的意思|示意
active fault zone的网络常见释义
即活动断裂带 活动构造带(active structural zones)即活动断裂带(active fault zone),是挽近地质时期乃至近代尚在持续或断续活动的构造带。
活动性断裂带 邵武-河源断裂带活动性及分段评价 关键词 活动性断裂带 温泉 地震 应力调整 [gap=1160]Key words active fault zone,hot spring,earthquake,stress adjustment
active fault zone相关短语
1、 in active fault zone 活动断裂区
2、 Altyn active fault zone 阿尔金活动断裂带
3、 Haiyuan active fault zone 海原活动断裂带
active fault zone相关例句
The secular GPS crustal deformation image has reflected the relatively complete left lateral strike slip movement of this active fault zone.
This paper considers that Aerjin Mountain strike-slip fault structure is a huge tectonic zone with the property of left active anticlockwise and thrust nappes and ductile shear zone.
The Red River Fault Zone is a large slide and active fault zone.
红河断裂带是印藏碰撞过程中 ,印支地块被顺时针旋转挤出的走滑变形带。
The features of the fault product gas along northern margin active fault zone of Western Qinling are analyzed on the basis of practical data.
New results of field investigations show that the eastern Liupanshan piedmond fault is an active reverse fault zone since late Quaternary.
The northern margin fault zone of Maxian Mt. in Lanzhou area is a Holocene active fault which includes about 4 secondary fault segments.