air breathing的意思|示意

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air breathing的网络常见释义

空气呼吸 ... breathing exercise 气功;吐纳功;呼吸操练 air breathing 吸气式的;空气呼吸 labored breathing 呼吸困难;憋气 ...

吸气式飞弹 航空军事学词汇台湾翻译(14) ... missile; airborne 机载飞弹 missile; airbreathing 吸气式飞弹 missile; aircraft-launched 空射飞弹 ...

吸气式 ... breathing pipe 通气管 ; 呼吸管 air breathing 空气呼吸 ; 吸气式 ; 自呼吸 Breathing valve 呼吸阀 ; 呼吸瓣 ; 进口呼吸阀 ; 呼吸阀 ...

自呼吸 ... breathing pipe 通气管 ; 呼吸管 air breathing 空气呼吸 ; 吸气式 ; 自呼吸 Breathing valve 呼吸阀 ; 呼吸瓣 ; 进口呼吸阀 ; 呼吸阀 ...

air breathing相关短语

1、 air-breathing 吸气式 ;

2、 Air Breathing Circulation 初期心肺复苏 ; 初期 ; 初期心肺苏醒

3、 air breathing engine 喷气发动机 ; 吸气式发动机 ; 吸空气发动机 ; 空气发动机

air breathing相关例句

Objective to investigate the effects of great depth air breathing fast buoyancy ascent on the human body, to develop and verify the submarine escape profile and medical support measures.


The National Parks in England are called "England's Breathing Spaces" because they are places where people can go to be in the open air, away from the dirt and noise of cities.


However, breathing dirty air may do more than hurt your body.


Notice how deeply you breathe, what your nostrils feel like when you breathe in, how they feel breathing out, how much air is in your lungs, how fast you're breathing, and so on.


In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs.


I am breathing long breaths of fresh air.
