
美 / 'ɑ:məndʃ'eɪpt / 英 / 'ɑməndʃ'eɪpt /



Almond-shaped is an adjective used to describe an object or a person that is similar, in shape, to an almond .

For example, a person may have almond-shaped eyes, which is a common feature in many people from Asian countries. Almond-shaped eyes are eyes that are larger than normal eyes, and the eyelid folds slightly in the middle.

Almond-shaped can also be used to describe objects, such as a door handle or a car's grill. It means that the object has a curved shape that is wider at one end and tapers to a point at the other end, like an almond.

Almond-shaped can also be used to describe a woman's body shape, which is also wider on the chest and tapers off in the lower body. This shape is quite common among women who have an hourglass figure.

Finally, almond-shaped can be used to describe a type of cookie or candy, which has a shape that resembles an almond.


1、 Almond-shaped Brooch 一份爱的礼物,巧克力杏

2、 almond-shaped eyes 杏仁眼

3、 almond-shaped eye 杏核眼

4、 almond shaped toe 杏仁型

5、 Slightly Almond Shaped 略呈杏仁状

6、 Almond-shaped Eyes And Peachy Cheeks 杏眼桃腮

7、 Heart-shaped Almond Mini Cake 心型杏仁蛋糕


An overly large or bulging eye is a fault an almond shaped, obliquely set eye.



Eyes almond shaped, moderately spaced and set a trifle obliquely.

眼睛杏仁状, 分隔的距离适中,稍斜.


Eyes are brown, almond shaped and of medium size.

眼睛是褐色, 杏仁形,中等大小.


Eyeseyes are almond - shaped ( almost triangular ), never full or bulgy, and are dark in color.

杏仁 状 ( 差不多是三角的 ), 不能太突出, 颜色深.


Eyes are medium size, set apart, almond shaped and dark brown to light amber in color.

眼睛中等大小, 位置分的较开, 杏仁状,颜色是从深褐色到浅琥珀色.


Eyes somewhat almond shaped, of medium size, placed rather well apart, neither deep set nor bulging.

有点呈杏仁状, 中等大小, 位置分的比较开, 既不凹陷,也不突出.
