alternative splicing and的意思|示意

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alternative splicing and的网络常见释义

变通的拼接与 ...19, 121-122 醇脱氢酶核苷酸多样度(alcohol dehydrogenase nucleotide diversity)25-26 变通的拼接与(alternative splicing and)97-98 C 值(c value)125 同义密码子的非随机应用(nonrandom usage of synonymous codons)56-574 rRNA 基因(rRNA genes)88 Rsp 基...

alternative splicing and相关短语

1、 Alternative Splicing and Disease 选择性拼接与疾病

alternative splicing and相关例句

This shift in alternative splicing may reflect an attempt of tissue repair and remodeling.


Alternative splicing plays an important role in processes such as development, differentiation and cancer.


Alternative splicing is generally believed to occur more than 50% of actively transcribed human genes and thus is highly relevant to disease and therapy.


In recent years, more and more researches showed that alternative splicing was highly relevant to cancer, and many cancer genes were regulated by alternative splicing.


The unique alternative splicing makes ZNF191, ZNF396 and ZNF397 genes encode two distinct proteins respectively.


Alternative splicing is often regulated in tissue-and developmental stage-specific manner, or in response to extracellular stimuli.
