annual total income的意思|示意
[经] 全年总收益额
annual total income的用法详解
欢迎大家阅读本文,本文主要讲述英文单词annual total income的用法。
Annual total income是指一年的总收入,是按年计算的收入总和,包括工资福利、投资收益、经营所得及其他收入。
Annual total income一般用于政府部门和金融机构对某个实体或者某个人在一定期限内的财务实力评估,用以测算纳税金、开立贷款等情况时。
总的来说,annual total income是指一年内的总收入,常常用于评估某个实体或者某个人在一定期限内的财务实力,也被用于发放贷款等情况时。
annual total income相关短语
1、 annual total income rmb 年薪
2、 Annual Total Income In Cash 期内现金收入
3、 total annual consolidated income 全年综合所得
4、 Annual Cash Income Total 全年现金收入合计
annual total income相关例句
Confusingly, the annual tax return does not supersede an existing monthly requirement to report and pay tax on non-taxed income if total earnings exceed a certain threshold.
The total annual income of this family is 8000 yuan.
Just take your annual income goal and divide it by the total number of Golden Hours in each year and you'll find what you are worth per hour.