antarctic air的意思|示意
antarctic air的用法详解
Antarctic air refers to a type of air which originates from the Antarctic continent. It is an air mass which is typically cold and dry due to being very far removed from the sources of warm and humid air which are common elsewhere on the planet. This type of air is often studied by meteorologists and climatologists in order to gain insight into the Earth’s climate, and it is also used to help create computer models of global climate change.
Antarctic air is typically composed largely of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, but also contains a range of other compounds, such as chlorine, sulfur, and dust. It is known for being very stable, which means that it does not change in temperature or humidity quickly. This is due to the fact that it does not take in energy from the surface or the sun quickly, and thus does not rise. Instead, it tends to remain in place and creates what is known as a cold anticyclone.
Due to its stable nature, and the fact that it is so far from the surface, Antarctic air has an effect on the rest of the planet and its climate. It is believed to help create weather patterns such as the cold winds of the polar vortex, and to contribute to global cooling. It also has an impact on weather in the middle latitudes, as it can cause shifts in the jet stream patterns and can cause changes in the temperature and direction of the prevailing winds.
In short, Antarctic air is a type of air which originates from the Antarctic continent and is composed largely of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. It is known for being very stable and having an effect on global climate and weather patterns.
antarctic air相关短语
1、 antarctic air mass 南极气团
2、 Continental Antarctic Air Mass 南极大陆气团
antarctic air相关例句
Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.