
美 / æfɪ'saɪdl / 英 / æfɪ'saɪdl /




Aphicidal is an adjective used to describe something capable of killing aphids, which are small, sap-sucking insects that can cause damage to plants. Commonly found on the green stems and the undersides of leaves of plants, these aphids feed off of the nutrient-rich sap, leaving the leaves and stems looking weak and discoloured.

Aphicidal substances, then, are those that can be used to get rid of these aphids and protect plants. These substances can be anything from pest control products that kill the aphids directly to natural methods of discouraging them from coming back, such as planting certain plants that naturally repel aphids.

It's important to remember that any type of gardening or pest control product should be used with caution, as some of the chemicals can be toxic both to humans and the environment. There are some non-toxic or organic products available that can achieve the same effects, however, so these are a better option for those with children or pets.

In addition to being used to refer to pest control products, aphicidal can also be used more generally to describe anything that is capable of killing or damaging aphids. For instance, a particular species of predatory wasp might be referred to as aphicidal because it will kill and eat aphids.

Overall, aphicidal refers to anything that is capable of killing or damaging aphids, whether it be a pest control product, a predatory insect, or something else. When used, it's important to remember to be careful, as some products can be toxic.



1、 aphicidal activity 杀蚜活性