arches of foot的意思|示意
arches of foot的网络常见释义
足弓 足弓(arches of foot)是跗骨和跖骨借关节和韧带紧密连结而成的凸向上的弓。可分为前 后方向的内、外侧纵弓和内外侧方向的横弓。
arches of foot相关短语
1、 arches of the foot 足弓 ; 足底弓 ; 跖弓英语
2、 arches s of foot 足弓
3、 The Arches of the Foot 足弓
arches of foot相关例句
If it shows the entire sole of our foot with little to no curve on the inside, it means you have low arches or flat feet and tend toward over-pronation (your feet roll inward).
Make sure the salesperson looks at the shape and arch to figure out what type of foot (high arches or flat feet, for example) you have.
Even the arches of the foot flatten out slightly, reducing height by a few millimeters more.
Rebuilding arches of the foot guaranteed the integrity of the stress point scaffold and avoided the pain and limp.