at every step的意思|示意
at every step的用法详解
英语单词at every step的用法讲解
at every step 是一个短语,用来表示“在每个步骤”的意思,指的是追求某件事到最后实现时,每一步都非常重要,因此要把每一步都做好。
1. I kept in mind the goal of success at every step.
2. We must take care at every step to ensure the safety of our customers.
3. He took all necessary precautions at every step in the process.
4. We must remain focused on our goal at every step of the project.
5. She was careful to follow the instructions at every step.
at every step相关短语
1、 Consolidate at every step 步步为营
2、 Go up at Every Step 步步高升,步步下升
3、 pause at every step 一步一挨
4、 Higher at Every Step 步步高
5、 At every step you missed 你每踏错一步
6、 to consolidate at every step 步步为营
7、 At Every Step High 步步高
8、 take precautions at every step 步步为营
at every step相关例句
It is my own anklets that grow loud at every step and I am ashamed.
I look back at every step get right where I am now.
Their tactics is to go ahead steadily at every step , and then strike sure blows.
她们表示声音的叠词的战术是稳扎稳打 、 稳所稳打.
Finally he started slowly, the wagon creaking and the cow lowing mournfully at every step.
马终于慢吞吞地挪动了四蹄, 车轮吱吱嘎嘎地滚动,母牛跟在后面一步一声哀叫.
They must be hounded and annihilated at every step and all their measures frustrated.
At every step along the way, your soul will be tested.
每一步漫漫走来, 你的灵魂将接受考验.