at high noon的意思|示意

美 / æt hai nu:n / 英 / æt haɪ nun /


at high noon的用法详解

英文中常用at high noon表示正午,指每天12点,引申为某种动作要在正午时发生或完成,相当于at 12 o'clock或at noon,以下是at high noon的用法讲解:

1. 在某件活动、行动、状态等开始或结束时要用at high noon,比如:The party began at high noon. 这个派对是在正午开始的。

2. 时间上的中途点,比如说:Sales peaked at high noon. 销售量在正午时达到最高点。

3. 也可以比喻用法,比如:This matter will reach its climax at high noon. 这个事情会在此时此刻达到鼎盛。

4. 某事性质或状态达到最高时,也可用at high noon表示,比如:Our helplessness reached its peak at high noon. 我们的无助在正午时达到极点。

因此,at high noon一般来说是指每天的12点,但也有时可表示某件事情在此时此刻或某种性质在此时此刻达到最高点,一般用于表示某种关键时刻来临时,或者某种事物或情绪达到最高点。

at high noon相关短语

1、 The Sun at high noon 如日中天

2、 Hoeing at High Noon 夏至•锄禾当午

3、 Divorce at High Noon 唱片名

at high noon相关例句

In 2000, the cause of the sun at high noon true that Choi's celebrity marriage.

2000年, 事业正如日中天的崔真实宣布结婚息影.


It can be said that they have the support of loyal fans, Jay's career will be more sun at high noon.


This is the only time all year when the Sun is at high noon in your chart acting like a spotlight on you.


The sun's rays only reach here at high - noon.



Don't expose your skin to the sun for too long at high noon.



Who have already dared to say extremely proud of success, like the sun at high noon not afraid solitude?
