at market price的意思|示意

美 / æt ˈmɑ:kit prais / 英 / æt ˈmɑrkɪt praɪs /


at market price的用法详解

English Word “At Market Price” Explained

When you hear the phrase “at market price”, you may think of prices at the grocery store. While it is true that this phrase is often used in the context of shopping, it has a more formal and expansive definition.

At market price is an economic term used to describe a certain type of transaction. It refers to the price of a good or service that is determined by the levels of supply and demand for that item, as determined by the market at the time of purchase. This type of price is not fixed, and can change on a daily or even hourly basis.

Investors often refer to this type of transaction when discussing stocks, commodities, and other types of investments. They are buying a certain asset “at market price” when they pay the current price that is being offered by the buyers and sellers in the marketplace.

The phrase “at market price” can also refer to the current market value of a stock or commodity, regardless of when it was purchased. In other words, one may say that they sold a stock for “at market price” if they received the current market value when they sold it, regardless of when they originally bought the stock.

Overall, the phrase “at market price” does not always refer to the price of goods in the grocery store. It is most commonly used in the context of investing and other types of business transactions, and it refers to the current market price of an item, regardless of when it was purchased.

at market price相关短语

1、 depreciation at market price 按市价折旧

2、 conversion at market price 按市价换算

3、 debenture convertible at market price 按市价折合的债券

4、 at current market price 按当时市价计算,按现时市价计算

5、 valuation at market price 按市场价格估价

6、 at constant market price 按固定市价计算

7、 issue at the market price 按市价发行,按时价发行

8、 sale at market price 按市价出售

9、 sell at market price 顺价销售

at market price相关例句

However, some brokers will purchase your CD and sell it to another client at market price.



The position of inward direct investment at market price amounted to $ 1,744 billion.



If market order is not an available order type, can I still place an order to execute at market price?


Transfers at market price : price changes in the intermediate market.

按市价转移: 中问价格的变动.


ABSTRACT: Latour has released its 2007 at Market price. Although its score isn't high, the price is at a similar level as Wine Advocate.


Market order can help client buy or sell at market price.



Let's say this is a repurchase of some of your shares at market price, sending the same check, so what's the difference?
