atmospheric air的意思|示意
atmospheric air的用法详解
Atmospheric air is the air that surrounds the earth or another planet. It is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, dust, and other trace gases. The density, temperature, pressure, and humidity of atmospheric air varies from place to place and over time due to physical and chemical processes.
Atmospheric air is important for a number of reasons. In particular, it helps regulate global temperatures by trapping the sun’s radiation and moderating temperature extremes. It also helps protect us from the harmful rays of the sun by absorbing ultraviolet radiation. Additionally, the air contains oxygen, allowing us to breathe and providing us with the air we need to survive. Atmospheric air also contains various gases and particles, which help make up our climate.
Atmospheric air is also essential in the production of energy. For example, wind turbines use the motion of the air to generate electricity, while solar energy is generated by the sun’s energy being absorbed by the atmosphere. Additionally, fossil fuels are burned to release energy, creating air pollution in the process.
Atmospheric air is also the source of many natural phenomena. It is the force behind many weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms. It is also the source of pollution in the form of smog and acid rain.
Overall, atmospheric air is an essential element of life on Earth and has a significant impact on the global climate and our environment. Its importance cannot be understated and it should be properly managed to ensure its sustainability.
atmospheric air相关短语
1、 atmospheric air chamber 大气室
2、 atmospheric air space 大气空气空间,大气空间
3、 atmospheric-air space 大气,空气空间,大气中的空气空间
4、 Enthalpy of Atmospheric Air 湿空气的焓
5、 Atmospheric air pressure 气压
6、 atmospheric air discharge 大气压空气放电
7、 health standard of atmospheric air 大气卫生标准
8、 atmospheric air continuouswave CO2 laser 大气压连续波CO2激光器
9、 atmospheric pressure air 大气压下空气
atmospheric air相关例句
They used an air compressor to take in atmospheric air , compress it, and force it into the cabin.
他们用一台空气压缩机把大气中的空气吸进来, 加以压缩, 然后送入船舱.