返追踪 ... unequivocal evidence 无可争议的证据 back-tracking 返追踪 noble gas monitoring 惰性气体监测 ...
回溯 ... 弗洛伊德算法 Floyd-Warshall algorithm 回溯 Back-Tracking 渐进增长 Asymptotic growth(包含O-notationω-notation θ-notation) ...
1、 Back tracking 补录 ; 回溯法 ; 返程
2、 back tracking step 回代步
3、 back tracking methods 回溯法
Rational Asset Manager makes finding and reusing solutions easy and gives the time spent tracking down this information back to the teams.
Rational Asset Manager使得寻找和重用这些方案变得容易,并给出跟踪这些信息到返回团队的时间消耗。
Playing in a support striker role, the rapidly maturing forward has chipped in with the goals while also tracking back to help midfield and defence.
He held off the back-tracking Ronaldo and skipped past Alvaro Mejia and Guti before racing into the area and muscling past Sergio Ramos.
The cookies store information about the visitor. After creating the cookies on the visitor's machine, the tracking code waits to send the visitor data back to the Google Analytics server.
cookies存储有访问者的信息。在访问者的机器上创建完这些cookies之后,追踪代码将把这些数据发至“ Google分析”服务器。
This paper looks back the study history and puts forward basic concept and metrics definitions of eye tracking technology.
In the study of MBE speech coding, a new efficient practical look-back and look-ahead pitch tracking smoothing algorithm is presented based on the dynamic programming approach.