be as good as的意思|示意

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be as good as相关短语

1、 not be as good as 不如

2、 be as good as new 焕然一新

3、 be as good as word 一诺千金

be as good as相关例句

Not that cooking dough on a stone is ever going to be as good as that baked in a stone oven, but we domestic cooks must do what we can.


Will my gift to Dad be as good as my brother's gift to him?


How can they help other teachers be as good as they are?


Some doubters fear this news may not be as good as it appears.


There are no plastic cups, just real plates and glasses -- Vienna wants the quality of the dining experience to be as good as the music that's about to begin.


In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.

康奈尔大学远程教学部 eCornell 的调查结果显示,不到三分之一的受访者期待网络课程的质量和传统课堂一样好。