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be capped at的网络常见释义

上限为 ... secondary damage 继发伤害 be capped at 上限为 ailment 异常 ...

be capped at相关例句

If the employee earns more than 3 times the average monthly wage of the locality, then the compensation will be capped at 3 times the average monthly wage, up to a maximum of 12 months.


The share of private capital in that industry is to be capped at 30 percent.


Thee average working week should be capped at 39 hours in order to protect workers' mental and physical health, according to a latest research from the Australian National University (ANU).


In a 2003 case involving State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance, the Supreme Court ruled that punitive damages should normally be capped at ten times the compensatory damages.

在2003年涉及国家农场共同汽车保险公司(State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance)的案件中,美国最高法院裁定惩罚性赔偿的金额通常应以赔偿金的十倍为上限。

Their payments will be capped at 10% of income rather than 15%, but interest will continue to be applied to their underlying debt and may expand rather than contract over time.


College work, Murray argues, “is intellectually too demanding for most young people, ” and thus enrollment should be capped at 10 percent, the 1940 level.

默克认为:“是不是大多数的年轻人太追求智力了?” 所以大学的录用人数应控制在10%以内,恢复到上世纪40年代的水平。