be divided into的意思|示意
be divided into的用法详解
英语单词be divided into的用法讲解
英语单词be divided into表示“分成,分割”的意思。一般可以放在句子的中间,可以用来表示各种抽象概念或实物的分割,如分阶段、分类别等等。
be divided into这一短语可以用作谓语动词,常用来解释学科或事物的分类方法,有时也可以表示多人共同完成某一任务的分工情况,如:
The project was divided into three stages. 这个项目分成三个阶段。
The work was divided into three parts and each of them was assigned to a different team. 工作分为三部分,每部分分配给不同的团队。
同样,be divided into还可用来表示城市的地理分区,在这种情况下,divided 前介词一般用into。如:
The city is divided into east, west and central. 这个城市分成东部、西部和中部。
总之,be divided into可以用来表示实物或抽象概念的分割,可用作谓语动词,可以表达多人共同完成某一任务的分工情况,可以表示城市的地理分区。
be divided into相关短语
1、 Can be divided into 可以分为
2、 to be divided into 分成
3、 Be divided into two parts 分成两部分
4、 fall into be divided into 属于
5、 Will be divided into 将
6、 be divided into three types 分为三种型号
7、 can be divided into three 可分为三种
8、 could be divided into three 可分为三种
be divided into相关例句
The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors.
This system can be divided into two parts: vehicle controlling center and vehicle navigation module.
Metals are known to be divided into two kinds: simple metals and alloys.
大家知道,金属分为两类; 纯金属和合金.
CBD can be divided into three stages: monolithic, distributed and persistent overtime.
cbd可以分为三个阶段: 单片式 、 分布式和持续式.
Fact can be divided into primary fact, indirect fact and auxiliary fact.
事实有主要事实 、 间接事实和辅助事实之分.
In the light of the space, a language could be divided into internal and external ones.
将这三种语言与它们的活动空间相联系, 可以分为内部语言和外部语言.