be for show的意思|示意
be for show的网络常见释义
做做样子 ... cut carbon intensity 减少碳密度(每一美元的GDP 温室气体的排放量) ……be for show 做做样子 on track 走上正轨 ...
be for show相关短语
1、 be done for show 搞形式主义
be for show相关例句
For some, this may be a simple paragraph, for others it may mean the inclusion of a chart or graphic to show how the management system works.
I don't know what they fear for. Or may be just to show their new power?
Another possibility would be for the deposit to show up in the passbook like an authorized deposit, but with some visual indication (gray text?) that the deposit is being held.
Mr. Tan said if a scene like the one in the painting could be found in Henan, he would create music for the show.
I guess it may be a good marketing decision considering the ratings for the show would probably be quite high, but then again are soccer moms a good target audience?
She has lost 60 pounds getting ready for her appearance on "Dancing With the Stars," and she will continue to lose weight because she will be on the show for quite a while.