be in wear的意思|示意

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be in wear的网络常见释义

被人穿着 wear解释 ... It is the only wear. 这就是现在非常流行的东西。 be in wear 被人穿著;流行著。 be the worse for wear 被穿破,被用坏。 ...

be in wear相关短语

1、 be in general wear 服装流行一时 ; 流行的 ; 时兴的 ; 时髦的

2、 be in glasses wear glasses 戴着眼镜

be in wear相关例句

Humans may be called "naked apes," but most of us wear clothing, a fact that makes us unique in the animal kingdom, save for the we make for other animals.


And a new ball would be used whenever the one in play showed any sign of wear.


In addition to their areas of expertise, different team members wear different hats depending on the work needing to be done.


Now that 3d movies are becoming popular again, 3d glasses are getting a makeover. Companies are coming up with more fashionable designs that people can be proud to wear in theaters.


Put on the dress you want to wear for the event, but protect the part that will be in close contact with the makeup (you really would not want to smear your dress before the party, would you?)


This one might be useful if you're in the need to type stuff while doing practical work in tough climates - but if you would wear this keyboard at the office, you might be considered a bit geeky.
