be out of the ordinary的意思|示意
be out of the ordinary的网络常见释义
超乎寻常 ... Does not success or failure hinge on this? 成败之机,其在斯乎? be out of the ordinary; 超乎寻常 exceed [be beyond] one's expectations; 出乎意料 ...
与众不同 与众不同 [be out of the ordinary;be different fro..
卖弄乖巧 ... [sally] 向敌人发起攻击 [be out of the ordinary] 出乎众人之上;卖弄乖巧 [piled high above the brim] 〈方〉∶盛物冒尖儿 ...
be out of the ordinary相关例句
But some things will always stand out above the rest, and many of the factors that really make a difference will never be taught at an ordinary business school.
Before performing an out of the ordinary operation (one not done every day) call the crew together to review any hazards and be sure each member understand his duties.
Using ordinary soaking furnace as a substitute for ingot temperature-holding bogie, soaking can be carried out entirely depending on the latent heat and sensible heat of ingot i…
Many people think that the shop selling goods must have a unique, distinctive, to be out of the ordinary, this concept is not wrong, but the concept is only suitable for shops, boutiques and shops.
If every action must tend toward the increase of pleasure and the decrease of pain, it looks as though even our ordinary day to day behaviour turns out to be immoral.
After the lining which processes once again could be out of the ordinary, unique.