be up in arms的意思|示意
be up in arms的网络常见释义
大动肝火 ... 偷懒耍滑头 goof-off 大动肝火 be up in arms 保持冷静keep cool ...
满腔怒火 ... Birdbrain不太聪明的人 be up in arms满腔怒火 beat amund/about the bush说话拐弯抹角,说话兜圈子 ...
非常气愤 ... be the talk of the town 满城风雨 be up in arms 非常气愤(准备吵架或打架) bang/beat the drum for 为...做宣传,热烈支持 ...
强烈反对 2017年南大考研英语:八年新题型之词汇全解析 ... As of 直到,到......为止 Be up in arms 强烈反对 Academia a 学术界,学术环境 ...
be up in arms相关短语
1、 to be up in arms 各个群体联合起来表示非常不满
be up in arms相关例句
Accustomed though they may be to showy p. r. stunts, social activists are nonetheless up in arms over this particular act of epic extravagance.
Despite some calls to arms, the shipping industry is against stationing armed security guards on board, because of the risk that crews will be caught up in a lethal firefight.
Australian David Hicks is accused of taking up arms against the us in Afghanistan, could be sentenced to the life in prison.
The Refuge is right next to Grand Teton Park, which is SEVERELY overgrazed - if you saw the damage and thought it was domestic cows, you'd be up in arms.
Astronomers are excited that the clusters of baby stars match up with the extended arms, because this helps them better understand how stars can be created out in the "backwoods" of a galaxy.
DeLee suctioning can still be accomplished as soon as the baby is up in mother's arms.