before image的意思|示意
before image的用法详解
英语单词before image的用法讲解
在语言中,before image是一个常见的表达,它指由一个引发事物发生之前的情景或想象状态。通常来讲,before image是从一个事件发生之前的情景开始,一切都是恒定的,然后做出一些改变。
例如,假设一个男人有一张健康的树枝,而他决定把它斩下来。在发出决定之前,他想象了有一张健康的树枝,而他决定把它斩下来。这里的before image描述了事件发生之前的情景,也就是树枝的状态。但是发出决定之后,树枝的状态就会发生变化,也就是after image。所以,before image和after image一起构成一个完整的描述,也就是这种情况的完整描述。
另外,before image还可以用来指代一个人的感觉,例如一个人在经过一段时间的考虑之后,决定去做一件事情,他可能会描绘一个他原先想象的情景,也就是before image。
总而言之,before image是一个很有用的表达,它指引发事物发生之前的情景或想象状态。有时候,before image还可以用来指代一个人对一件事情的原始感受。
before image相关短语
1、 before-image 前
2、 before image journalizing 前像日志登载
3、 before -image journaling 映象前记载
4、 Verify image file before restore 恢复前先验证该备份文件
5、 before change image 更新后的纪录,更新前的纪录
6、 Image Before My Eyes 眼前的影象
7、 his image rose before me 他的面容浮现在我面前
before image相关例句
The server process records the before - image to the rollback block and updates the data block.
His mind sees the image of the ball flying into the water, so guess where the ball will go. Consequently, before going into any stressful situation, focus only on what you want to have happen.
The membership card before image processing necessary to carry out the total amount of ink.
While cutting away a tumor deep in the brain, she watches the movement of her surgical tools in a computer graphics image of the patient's brain taken before surgery.
Membership card before image processing like die, mould has been made impossible to change.
会员卡制作后图像办理像模具, 模具还来怠工不败,不不定再去保持.
Before his death, he filed a deed protecting the use of his image until 2039, preventing others from recreating him using CGI to appear in a film, TV show or as a hologram.
The merge process failed while updating the generation values in the internal before - image tables.