brittle-ductile transition temperature的意思|示意

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brittle-ductile transition temperature的网络常见释义

延脆转变温度 ... 热影响区 heat affected zone, HAZ 延脆转变温度 brittle-ductile transition temperature 弹性力学 elasticity ...

延脆改变温度 ... 温度的突然改变 Sudden changes in temperature 改变温度 Fix Time Frame Method ; FATT 延脆改变温度 brittle-ductile transition temperature ...

brittle-ductile transition temperature相关短语

1、 ductile-brittle transition temperature 韧脆转化温度 ; 脆性转变温度 ; 延性

2、 ductile brittle transition temperature 延性 ; 脆性转化温度

3、 ductile-to-brittle transition temperature 延脆性过渡温度 ; 延性铸铁

brittle-ductile transition temperature相关例句

The effect of normalizing on microstructure, strength, impact toughness and ductile-brittle transition temperature of FAS390Q axle housing steel was studied.


The main effect of water on brittle plastic transition of mafic rocks is embodied by both the change of strength and temperature of brittle ductile transition and brittle plastic transition.


High manganese steels undergo a ductile to brittle transition at low temperature, which is accompanied by a change in the fracture mechanism from dimple fracture to intergranular fracture.


The specimens with Widmanstatten structure have higher impact strength and lower ductile-brittle transition temperature than those with equiaxial granular ferrite structure.
