brittle bone的意思|示意

美 / ˈbritl bəun / 英 / ˈbrɪtl bon /


brittle bone的用法详解


英语单词brittle bone是指“脆骨”,也叫Osteogenesis Imperfecta,是一种遗传性先天畸形疾病,患者的骨骼几乎比正常人脆弱得多。此病的英文单词在日常英语用法中也常用作名词,具体如下:

1. 例句:My son has been diagnosed with brittle bone.


2. 例句:The condition of brittle bone often results in short stature.


3. 例句:Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or brittle bone, is an inherited disorder.

意思是:Osteogenesis Imperfecta,也叫脆骨病,是一种遗传性疾病。

4. 例句:She had a fracture in her brittle bone.


5. 例句:The main symptoms of the brittle bone disorder are bone fractures and fragility.



brittle bone相关短语

1、 brittle bone disease 脆骨病,脆骨症,成骨不全症,骨脆病

2、 brittle bone syndrome 故又称为脆性骨综合征,脆骨症

3、 brittle bone diesease 或称脆骨病

4、 blue sclera-brittle bone 脆骨蓝巩膜综合征

5、 brittle bone syndromeosteopsathyrosis 脆骨症

6、 osteogenesis imperfecta brittle bone disease 成骨不全症