n. 装燃料,燃料之仓储
v. 击入沙坑(bunker 的 ing 形式)
English Word Bunkering Usage Explanation
Bunkering is a term used in shipping that refers to when a vessel takes on fuel, water, or other supplies. It is derived from the word “bunker” which refers to the onboard storage tanks in which these items are stored.
The process of bunkering involves transferring fuel, water, or other supplies from a supplier's tank directly into the vessel's tanks. These items are usually paid for by the vessel's Captain and the supplier records the sale in a logbook.
The bunkering process is generally done by a specialist team of workers with the appropriate expertise and equipment. It involves several key steps, such as preparation, delivery, and storage.
The preparation involves evaluating the supplies that the vessel needs, calculating the amount needed, and making sure that the necessary personnel and resources are available. The delivery involves transporting the supplies from the supplier's tank to the vessel's tanks. And the storage involves safely securing the items and monitoring them for proper use.
In some cases, bunkering may also involve offloading the vessel's existing supplies. This is done to make room for the new supplies and can involve a variety of tasks such as draining, filtering, and transferring.
Bunkering is an important process that keeps vessels running safely and efficiently. By ensuring that the right supplies are onboard, vessels can continue their journeys without interruption. It is a complex procedure that requires the right expertise and equipment, and it should only be done by professionals with the appropriate experience and training.
1、 coal bunker 煤仓;煤库
2、 bunker oil 船用油;燃油
3、 storage bunker 贮料仓
Because people make a lot of money from bunkering, " he said. "
因为 囤积 石油能赚到很多钱.
Bunkering: To fill a ship's Bunker with coal or oil.
装入燃料: 往船的燃料仓中添加装煤或油.
Check bunkering and report.