can afford to的意思|示意

美 / / 英 / /


can afford to的网络常见释义

买得起 ... call option买入期权,看涨期权 can afford to买得起 cancel 取消 ...

消费者有购买能力 ... 自由购买能力 Discretionary Buying Power 消费者有购买能力 can afford to 有购买能力的需要 need backed by buying power ...

能够经得起 ... called,named,known as 移滑被认为是 can afford to V 能够经得起 chance to V(that_clause) 可能性 ...

罐头 ... 运动;一系列行动 camper 罐头;听头 can afford to 买得起 Can tab. ...

can afford to相关短语

1、 can afford to do 有钱做某事 ; 卖得起 ; 可以这样做 ; 有能力做到

2、 can afford to eat 能付得起钱吃某食物

3、 Can afford to waste time 时间浪费不起

can afford to相关例句

It is not something we can afford to do on a daily basis, and there aren't too many organic farms around here.


Once driverless cars are actually available for sale, the early adopters will be the people who can afford to buy them.


They can afford to because their repayment rates are much higher.


That is not a mistake a supermarket can afford to make.


Television is an expensive medium, and not all advertisers can afford to use it.


If you can afford to buy prestige, that's your choice.
