capital - common stock的意思|示意
capital - common stock的网络常见释义
普通股股本 首页 ... 资本(或股本) capital 普通股股本 capital - common stock 特别股股本 capital - preferred stock ...
capital - common stock相关短语
1、 Capital stock common 普通股本 ; 普通股票 ; 普通股东 ; 普通股
2、 common capital stock 普通股 ; 普通股言英语
3、 subscription to common capital stock 认缴普通股款 ; 翻译
capital - common stock相关例句
Tier 1 capital includes common and preferred stock, cash reserves and certain other long-term "hybrid" securities.
Therefore, limited conditions of financial lever should be researched carefully, such as common stock net capital, loan interest operating risk and condition of cash flow.
Preferred stock, as a stock prior to the rights of common stock, it can achieve the flexibility of redeploy and management of the company capital.
And the cost of equity capital is the minimum rate of return the request to common stock shareholders.
Tier 1 capital is comprised of common stock, the portion of earnings not paid out as dividends and retained by a company, and disclosed reserves against losses.
The terms common stock and capital stock are often used interchangeably when the company has no preferred stock.