
美 / 'kærɪb / 英 / 'kærɪb /

n. 加勒比人(南美洲东北部的印第安人);加勒比语


The word carib has a variety of uses in English. It is most commonly used to refer to the indigenous people of the Caribbean region, who are believed to have descended from the Arawak peoples of South America. It can also be used to refer to their language or culture.

In addition to this, the word carib can also be used as an adjective to describe something or someone associated with the Caribbean people and their culture. For example, someone may refer to the “Caribbean music” or “Caribbean flavors” or a “Caribbean holiday.”

Finally, carib is also sometimes used as a noun to refer to the west wind that blows across the Caribbean Sea. This wind has a strong influence on the climate and weather of the region.


1、 Sprinter Carib 短跑家·加勒比人,短跑家,短跑家卡利勃,卡利布牌汽车

2、 The Carib Territory 加勒比领地

3、 Carib Ambusher 加勒比伏击兵

4、 Pirates of the Carib 加勒比海盗1鬼盗船魔咒

5、 Carib Hotel 加勒比酒店

6、 carib-potato 阔叶薯蓣


It's called the Pan-Carib-bean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project, which is quite a mouthful.

