cast-in-place pile的意思|示意
cast-in-place pile的网络常见释义
灌注桩 文章详细信息 关键词: 灌注桩;;后压浆;;注浆管;;桩基承载力 [gap=516]Keywords: cast-in-place pile,post grouting,grouting pipe,bearing capacity of pile foundation
现浇桩 ... cast-in-place concrete foundation 注入混凝土 抽奖券模板 根蒂根基 cast-in-place pile 注入桩;现浇桩 cast-in-situ 现浇;就地浇筑;原地铸造 ...
现场浇筑桩 ... casting wheel 铸造车轮 cast-in-place pile 现场浇筑桩 cast-in.situ concrete现场浇筑混凝土桩 ...
钻孔灌注桩 钻孔灌注桩施工技术综述 - 久久建筑网 关键词】钻孔灌注桩;施工技术;质量控制;故障处理 [gap=348]keywords 】 cast-in-place pile; Construction technology; Quality control; Fault handling
cast-in-place pile相关短语
1、 driven cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩 ; 灌注桩
2、 diving casting cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩 ; 深基础沉管灌注桩 ; 深基础
3、 bored cast-in-place pile 钻孔场柱桩 ; 钻孔灌注桩 ; 孔柱 ; 详细翻译
cast-in-place pile相关例句
Based on the practice, it analyses the performance and limitation of borehole cast-in-place concrete pile, and introduces the methods of quality test: especially the stress reflection method.
The cast-in-place pile is in general engineering deep foundation forms, pile quality plays a vital role to construction safety.
The influence of end conditions on the load transfer behavior of cast-in-place pile is discussed using the load transfer method.
The whole procedure of design and construction of boring cast in place concrete pile under complicated geological condition in HuBei province is introduced.
Problem on the bearing capacity of cast-in-place pile influenced by the deposit at pile end and the mud hanged on pile shaft can be solved by the technique with the post grouting.
By performing a static load experiment on cast-in-place with branches and plates pile, the paper discusses the feasibility of cast-in-place with branches and plates pile in Hangzhou area.