cheat death的意思|示意
cheat death的用法详解
英文“cheat death”是一个相对比较熟悉的俗语,它是比喻逃脱死亡的形象,指的是一个人危险的关头能够全身而退,据说古人也有这样的说法,“cheat death”用法口语化,就是指出奇迹般地逃脱死亡,比如现实生活中,很多人以各种不可想象的方式从死神手上摆脱出来。下面我们看一些例句:
1.He managed to cheat death after being involved in a serious accident. 他在发生重大意外后设法逃脱死亡。
2.He cheated death when he narrowly escaped being hit by a speeding car. 他险些被一辆飞驰的汽车撞到,却幸运地逃脱了死亡的魔掌。
3.She knew she had cheated death when she realised that the bullet had narrowly missed her head. 她知道自己逃脱了死亡,因为子弹险些击中了她的头部。
4.He cheated death when he miraculously survived a plane crash. 当他奇迹般地得以在空难中幸存下来时,他从死神的手中摆脱出来了。
cheat death相关短语
1、 T Cheat Death 死亡金属
2、 to cheat death 逃脱死亡
3、 Please Cheat Death 那么请欺骗死亡
4、 because I can't cheat death 因为我不能欺骗死去的人
cheat death相关例句
Cheat Death is an absorption. So Chaos Bolt can still pierce it.
假死是吸收效果, 所以混乱箭仍然可以穿透它.
Cheat Death A combat log message will now show when this ability activates.