
美 / ˌsɪndəˈrelə / 英 / ˌsɪndəˈrɛlə /

n. 灰姑娘(童话中的一个形象)


Cinderella, or The Little Glass Slipper, is a classic fairy tale about a young woman forced into servitude by her wicked stepmother. The story has been retold countless times in literature, film, and television and is one of the most beloved fairy tales of all time.

In English, the word Cinderella is used to refer to someone who has been out of luck and then suddenly receives a huge stroke of good fortune. It can also be used as an adjective to describe someone who has come from nothing and achieved great success.

For example, you could say that \"the underdog team has pulled off a Cinderella season by making it to the playoffs.\" This means that the team was not expected to make it to the playoffs, but somehow did.

You can also use the phrase \"Cinderella stories\" to talk about people, teams, or businesses that have experienced a sudden and unexpected success. For example, you could say that \"the tech industry is filled with Cinderella stories of entrepreneurs going from broke to millionaire in a few short years.\"

As an adjective, Cinderella can be used to mean something that was seemingly ordinary or expected to remain obscure, but suddenly gained attention and success. For example, you could say that the singer was a Cinderella act at the music awards show, meaning that they were largely unknown before the show but suddenly everyone wanted to know who they were.

To sum up, Cinderella is a classic fairy tale about a woman who unexpectedly achieves success and is now used in English to refer to people, teams, and businesses that have achieved a sudden and unexpected success.


1、 Cinderella Man 铁拳男人,男版灰姑娘,乞丐变王子,最后一击

2、 A Cinderella Story 灰姑娘的故事,灰姑娘的玻璃手机,无线两心知,灰姑娘的手机

3、 last cinderella 最后的灰姑娘

4、 Another Cinderella Story 灰姑娘之舞动奇迹,灰密斯之舞动古迹,灰姑娘的故事

5、 Cinderella Liberty 吧女生涯原是萝,灰姑娘假期

6、 Teleocichla cinderella 仙女短鲷,仙女短,野生玛娜仙女短鲷

7、 Cinderella Boy 变身少年,灰姑娘男孩,变身侦探,灰姑娘少年

8、 the cinderella 灰姑娘,鬼虐杀,英文剧名

9、 Cinderella Castle 灰姑娘城堡,华特迪士尼世界度假区


Ugly as sin themselves, the two stepsisters hated Cinderella for her beauty.

那两个异母姐妹自己丑陋不堪, 十分嫉恨灰姑娘的漂亮.


Cinderella suffered many slights from her sisters.



Cinderella's dress took the shine out of her sisters '.



Cinderella: And You see, I have the other slipper.

灰姑娘: (灰姑娘穿上鞋)而且你看, 我有另一只鞋.


The fairy godmother's magic charm turned Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown.



You pretend the female immortal, and I pretend Cinderella.

你装仙姑, 我装灰姑娘.
