coat of mail的意思|示意
n. 甲胄;中古骑士所穿的锁子铠甲
coat of mail的用法详解
Coat of mail, also known as chain mail, is an item of armor made of interlocking metal rings. It has been around since ancient times, and was used by soldiers throughout the Middle Ages, with both European and Asian cultures making use of it.
Coat of mail was most commonly used to make full body armor, covering a soldier from head to toe. The mail was historically made from interlocking iron or steel rings, but in later times mail made from brass, aluminum, and non-metallic materials has also been used. The armor is lightweight and strong and provides good protection against a variety of weapons.
In modern times, the use of mail has declined significantly, although it is still used in some martial arts and fencing styles. However, mail is seeing something of a revival in popularity, with many people using it for decorative purposes, such as making jewelry or other items.
In literature, mail has been used to describe a layer of protective armor, or a barrier of some kind. This is due to the way it is constructed, with its tight-knit rings providing an effective barrier. The phrase ‘coat of mail’ is often used to refer to someone or something that is hard to penetrate or penetrate successfully.
coat of mail相关短语
1、 coat-of-mail coats-of-mail 锁子甲
coat of mail相关例句
A good coat of mail, made by a master armourer, would last its owner a lifetime.
这件上等铠甲是由一位军械大师制作, 能够它主人用一辈子了.
The soldier was armed with a coat of mail.