coke oven tar的意思|示意
coke oven tar的网络常见释义
焦炉焦油 ... coke oven gas boaster 焦炉煤气风机 coke oven tar 焦炉焦油 coke oven plant 炼焦炉设备 ...
翻译 ... tachycardia翻译 *[,tæki'kɑ:diә] n. 心动过速 【医】 心博过速, 心动过速 coke oven tar翻译 【建】 焦炉焦油 Kolliker's layer翻译 【医】 克利克尔氏[纤维]层 ...
coke oven tar相关短语
1、 coke-oven tar pitch 翻译
2、 coke-oven tar 焦炉煤焦油
3、 coke oven tar pitch 焦炉沥青
coke oven tar相关例句
The article introduces the test method and the steps to determine the tar content in the coal gas of coke oven by UV spectrophotometer, and the analytical problems.
The main products are coke, coke oven gas, coal tar, light benzene, ammonium sulfate, etc.
The reason of low recovery rate of tar in coke product was analyzed; the recovery rate of tar was increased by decreasing the oven-roof temperature and adjusting operating conditions.
The surrounding area of the coke oven, the raw coal gas purification workshop and the coal tar and crude benzene processing workshop would be the most serious pollution area of the coking plant.
The technology is used for conversion from hydrofining coke-oven gas into the oil, conversion from coal tar into the oil and light benzole hydrorefining.