comedy of menace的意思|示意
comedy of menace的网络常见释义
威胁喜剧 尽管一般人认为品特的戏剧属于荒诞剧,但品特称自己的新实验为「 威胁喜剧 ( Comedy of Menace ),这是一种黑色喜剧或悲喜剧。
威胁性喜剧 诺贝尔文学奖获得者品特(Harold Pinter)早年以「威胁性喜剧(comedy of menace)享誉文坛,形成独特的品特风格。这次除了负责改编剧本,品特本人也在片中插花,却是在电视屏幕上,不小心就会看漏呢!
comedy of menace相关短语
1、 the comedy of menace 威胁的喜剧
comedy of menace相关例句
His plays are called "the comedy of menace" due to his emphasis on the universally ominous threat.
If they make a movie of the scene, perhaps Jack Nicholson could capture the glowering menace and dark comedy of some of the older Mr Murdoch's lines, but few others.