compact into的意思|示意
compact into的用法详解
Compact into是一种表示“紧凑地,紧密地占据”的英语短语,它可以用来表达“用有限的空间紧凑地容纳”的概念。
Compact into可以用在很多场合,比如描述空间的使用或人们的体型。比如,当你描述一个人把身体环绕在一把椅子上时,你可以说:“He compacted into the armchair.” 又比如,当你谈论一个有限的空间的使用时,你可以说:“The office furniture was compacted into the small room.”
此外,这个短语还可以用来描述时间的使用。比如,你可以说:“They compacted their holiday into a week.” 也可以说:“We managed to compact the entire project into three months.”
总之,英语单词compact into可以用来描述空间、时间等有限资源的使用,表示“紧凑地,紧密地占据”的概念。
compact into相关短语
1、 enter into a compact 订契约,订立契约
2、 compact sth into sth 这篇文章被压缩成一段
compact into相关例句
WS-Policy defines a set of transformations you can apply to convert policy expressions using the compact options into normal form, so there's little reason to use normal form directly.
WS - Policy定义了一个变换集,您可以用来将使用紧凑选项的策略表达式转换成标准形式,因此没有理由直接使用标准形式。
He took the compact disc from her, then fed it into the player.
TwinFin also comes with all its hardware, software, and storage integrated into one compact, powerful package.