compile-time error的意思|示意

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compile-time error的网络常见释义

编译时错误 对于微软和英特尔的编译器中采用不标准12字节的虚拟继承类型的指针的情况,我引发了一个编译时错误(compile-time error),因为需要一个特定的运行环境(workaround)。如果你在MSVC中使用虚拟继承,要在声明类之前使用FASTDELEGATEDECLARE宏。

编译时期错误 ... compile, machine language 机器语言编译 compile-time error 编译时期错误 compiled resource file 编译资源文件 ...

这会报告一个编译错误 ...let constantString = "Highlander"constantString += " and another Highlander"// 这会报告一个编译错误 (compile-time error) - 常量字符串不可以被修改。

翻译 ... chirometer翻译 【医】 量手器(骨盆手测法用) compile-time error翻译 【计】 编译时错误 Cytisus L.翻译 【医】 金雀花属 ...

compile-time error相关短语

1、 compile time error 编译时错误 ; 编译时期错误

2、 a compile-time error will result 将产生编译时错误

compile-time error相关例句

If you attempt to use an undeclared variable name, an error occurs at compile time.


If client code tries to instantiate your class by using a type that is not allowed by a constraint, the result is a compile-time error.


On top of that, we introduced the new Codan static analysis framework as optional component to provide semantic error reports ahead of compile time.


If there is no default constructor, then there is a compile-time error: the object must be given an explicit initializer.


Implicit conversions succeed only when the process loses no data; otherwise they fail and generate a compile or run-time error.


For example, if no class Foo exists, an error will be generated at compile time for the first version.
