composting of chicken manure的意思|示意
composting of chicken manure的网络常见释义
鸡粪发酵 关键词:好氧反硝化细菌;鸡粪发酵;硝态氮 [gap=1909]Keywords: aerobic denitrifiers; composting of chicken manure; nitrate
composting of chicken manure相关例句
The mixed strains which were separated by ourselves were used as deodorizing microorganism for this experiment of chicken manure composting.
The result suggested that: the co-composting of persimmon wine stillage and cattle manure can improve both the growth and the quality of spinach much more than cattle manure and chicken manure.
The temperature and electric conductivity dynamic showed that zeolite as an additive in chicken manure composting can also improve the quality of compost.