condition of supply的意思|示意
condition of supply的用法详解
Condition of Supply的用法讲解
Condition of Supply可以理解为有关供应条件的综合概述,包括供货物品、价格、数量、质量、交货期、交货地点和其他相关事宜。它是供应商和买方在一起签订的协议,用于规范买卖双方在合同有效期内的行为。
Condition of Supply的主要作用是,在买卖双方达成双方的条件和责任前,确定供应物品的各项要求。这样,供货商就能够比较清楚地了解买方的要求,调整其供应配置,以满足买方的需求,确保买卖双方的利益,同时避免双方之间出现纠纷。
此外,Condition of Supply也可以用于指导所有相关参与者的行为。它可以有效地便于买方确定最佳价格和供应量,也有助于供应商提供最佳的商品质量,指导保证按时交货,以及满足买卖双方的其他共性要求。
总的来说,Condition of Supply是供应商与买方之间的协议,它可以保证买卖双方的权益,让双方能够有效地合作,实现共赢的局面。
condition of supply相关短语
1、 acceptable condition of supply 验收供应条件
2、 Condition of Supply Chain Management 供应链管理的条件
3、 supply condition of resources 资源可供性
condition of supply相关例句
So the research on the method of location selection under condition of supply chain is meaningful in both economic and practical aspects.
Factors such as the condition of the piece, supply and demand at time of purchase and after and also authenticity can affect pricing.
This paper analyzes the condition of supply power enterprise. Then puts forward significance of developing integrated query system.