configuration relative的意思|示意

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configuration relative的网络常见释义

相对构型 ... 社会文化的 socioculturel, lesocioclturel,le 相对构型 configuration relative 宇航训练员 altinaute ...

configuration relative相关短语

1、 Relative configuration 相对构型 ; 翻译

2、 Relative and absolute configuration 相对构型和绝对构型

configuration relative相关例句

The effects of heterogeneity of pore configuration, specially clay mineral content and injected water quality on the relative permeability curves, are considerable.


The wing vortex breakdown on canard on configuration was delayed relative to that on canard off configuration, but the canard vortex broke down very early.


The file WEB-INF/classes/ contains a relative path in the security.keystore.filename property (../configuration/c8AuditExtension.keystore).

文件 WEB-INF/classes/ 包含 security.keystore.filename 属性(../configuration/c8AuditExtension.keystore)内的一个相对路径。

The second configuration may be such that it hinders rotation of the orthodontic eyelet (12) relative to the orthodontic implant (16).


Data Source Configuration Wizard USES a relative path to create connections to the local database file.


The signaling and operations of high-speed passenger trains depend on the braking stage design and relative equipment configuration to fulfill a complete braking process.
