confound right and wrong的意思|示意

美 / kənˈfaʊnd rait ænd rɔŋ / 英 / kənˈfaʊnd raɪt ənd rɔŋ /

v. 混淆是非,颠倒是非,不分青红皂白,是非颠倒

confound right and wrong的用法详解

关于英语单词confound right and wrong的用法,可以分为以下几点讲解:

1、confound right and wrong 的意思是混淆是非,把错搞混,混淆辩析。

2、confound right and wrong 常见的用法是把不同的事物混合在一起,因此无法准确地分辨是非。比如,一个人可以把友谊和爱情混淆在一起,把善恶和正义混淆在一起。

3、该短语还可以用来形容某人混淆是非,使正确的道德标准变得模糊。比如,某人可能会以错误的手段来实现自己的目标,即把对错搞混淆,此时可以用confound right and wrong来形容这种行为。

4、另外,confound right and wrong 也可以形容人们在判断时可能会因为缺乏足够的知识和理解而把对错搞混淆,陷入混乱。

综上所述,confound right and wrong 是一个抽象的表达方式,表示将正确的东西和不正确的东西混淆起来,把事情搞混淆。

confound right and wrong相关短语

1、 to confound right and wrong 颠倒是非

2、 deliberately confound right and wrong 指鹿为马

confound right and wrong相关例句

When he returned home, he sighed: "I didn't know until today the power of authority, which can confound right with wrong and pass off the fake as the real thing."

回到家里,申屠敦唉声叹气: :“我今天才知道权势的威力,可以颠倒是非,以假乱真。”

Paper institute character, be not people place desire character, confound right and wrong, and white confuse.

报纸所言, 非人民所欲言, 是非颠倒, 黑白淆乱.


At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong and turn things upside down.
