n. 自制,克制;节欲(尤指禁欲)
Continence is an English word which means self-restraint. Specifically, it is the voluntary control of one's own temper, behavior, and utterances in difficult situations.
The word can be used to describe people who are able to suppress strong emotions, especially anger and frustration, in order to act in a more socially acceptable manner. It is also used to describe people who can resist the urge to give in to temptation or act in an impulsive manner.
The concept of continence is closely related to that of repression, in that both involve the voluntary control of behavior or feelings. The difference is that repression implies the complete suppression of feelings, whereas continence implies a more balanced approach, in which certain feelings are expressed but in a more acceptable manner.
Continence is closely related to the concept of self-control, which is the ability to regulate one’s own behavior and emotions. Self-control is essential for maintaining social relationships, as well as for achieving success in many aspects of life. It is particularly important in parenting and work situations, where it is necessary to maintain a professional and courteous attitude in the face of challenging circumstances.
Continence can be an invaluable tool for managing difficult emotions and situations, but it is important to remember that it is not always necessary or desirable to repress all of one’s feelings and desires. It is important to find a balance between continence and expression, in order to achieve personal satisfaction as well as social acceptance.
1、 International Continence Society 国际尿控协会,国际尿控学会,国际控尿学会,制学会
2、 Paradoxical in continence 反常性尿失禁
3、 continence line 节制线
4、 urinary continence 控尿
5、 World Continence Week 世界尿失禁周,发起世界尿失禁周,界尿失禁周
6、 Nonimplanted electrical continence device 非植入式电子自控设备
7、 continence training 耐力训练
8、 internation continence society 国际控尿学会
Our business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care and wound and skin care.
公司产品主要涉及造口护理 、 泌尿及失禁护理、伤口及皮肤护理三大领域.
Continence is the foe of heresy.
Augustine's plea: " Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet. "
Augustine的名言: “ 请赋予我纯洁的和坚忍, 但不是现在. ”
The central of micturition and urinary continence in cats and humans is organized in similar manner.
Nerve - sparing prostatectomy, designed to preserve potency and urinary continence, introduced.