continuous mode的意思|示意

美 / kənˈtinjuəs məud / 英 / kənˈtɪnjuəs mod /


continuous mode的用法详解

Continuous mode, also known as \"time lapse mode\", is a photographic technique in which a photo is taken at regular intervals to produce a series of images that can be used to create a moving image. This technique is often used to capture the passage of time, or to create a sense of movement in still photographs.

The most common way to use continuous mode is to set up a camera to take a photo at regular intervals and then to stitch the photos together in a video or animation format. This can be used for a variety of purposes, from capturing the change in a landscape over time to creating a time lapse video of a person or animal moving through their day.

In photography, continuous mode can also be used to capture a moment in time with a series of multiple shots. This is often used to create a more dynamic image than a single shot. The photographer sets up the camera to take multiple shots at different exposure settings, allowing the camera to capture more color and detail than a single shot can.

Continuous mode can also be used to track motion in a scene, by using multiple shots taken at different times. This is often used to capture movements that may be difficult to detect in a single shot. An example of this is a sports photographer capturing a runner’s movement across a finish line.

Finally, continuous mode can be used to capture long exposures. This is done by setting up the camera to take multiple shots at the same exposure settings, giving a single shot the appearance of having been taken over a longer period of time. This technique is often used to capture the movement of stars in the night sky, or to create a photo with a dreamy look.

In conclusion, continuous mode is a widely used technique in photography, and can be used for a variety of purposes. By understanding the different ways in which this technique can be employed, photographers can create stunning images that capture movement and moments in time.

continuous mode相关短语

1、 continuous mode method 连续测量法,反电动势

2、 continuous mode- 连续拍照模式

3、 Current Continuous Mode 电流连续模式,模式,电感电流连续模式,流连续模式

4、 Continuous mode of operation 连续操作模式

5、 Episodic and Continuous Mode 分为周期性和连续性

6、 continuous mode control 连续模式控制

7、 continuous current mode 不间断电流模式,模式,连续传导模式,连续电流模式

8、 continuous mode PFC 连续型PFc

9、 continuous mode metho 连续测量法

continuous mode相关例句

Pulse does not apply in continuous mode.



OFDM systems can work in either continuous mode or burst mode.


In the continuous mode, a smaller drift.


The C-axis can be used in positioning - as well as in continuous mode.

C 轴可以用来定位、也可用于插补模式。

Alternatively, it can be operated in continuous mode.

或者, 也可以选择连续模式工作.
