cookie cutter的意思|示意
n. 饼干模型切割刀;饼切;曲奇成型刀
adj. (cookie-cutter) 千篇一律的;批量生产的
cookie cutter相关短语
1、 cookie cutter shark 雪茄达摩鲨,达摩鲨
2、 cookie-cutter 同样的模式的,饼干模子,模板化
3、 magneto striction cookie cutter 磁致伸缩曲奇切割器
4、 Cookie Cutter Tool 网格切割工具
5、 cookie cutter treat we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao 一刀切
6、 Pac-man Cookie Cutter 吃豆人造型烘烤模具
7、 Cookie Cutter Trim 用特定边界修剪
8、 cookie-cutter sets 切饼集
9、 cookie-cutter intake 尖唇进气道
cookie cutter相关例句
First, a random generalized Cookie - Cutter set K _ T on [ 0 , T ] is constructed.
我们首先在构造随机广义Cookie -Cutter 集的过程中,通过记忆函数,研究了这种随机概率测度序列的紧测度的收敛性.
GTD should be adapted to fit your personal working style - it's not a cookie - cutter approach.
你应该使GTD适合你个人的工作方式 —— 它不是什么千篇一律的方法.
I don't care for all these cookie - cutter houses.
However, not everyone could fit the cookie - cutter mold.
然而, 并非每个人都能适合这个模子.
Handmade goods appeal to those who are tired of cookie-cutter products.